Banyule Nillumbik Careers Group (BNCG)

The Banyule Nillumbik Careers Group (BNCG) consists of career professionals from 25 member schools in the Banyule and Nillumbik areas, fostering networking, resource sharing, and professional development.

About the Banyule Nillumbik Careers Group

The BNCG is made up of career professionals and other staff from secondary schools located in the Banyule and Nillumbik local government areas. It provides opportunity for networking, improved access to information through sharing good practice, guest speaker presentations and professional learning.

The purpose of the careers group is to:

  • Engage career professionals and staff to come together, network, access relevant resources and share best practice through a series of scheduled annual network meetings.
  • Support the provision of careers in secondary school to support career development for students in Years 7 – 12.
  • Provide up to three professional development sessions relevant to the needs of the network members.

The BNCG is made up of twenty-five (25) member schools and community education providers who come together twice a school term.

This year the careers group has continued their support through online meetings. They have met six times in total and heard from guest speakers from Department of Education, CEAV, Job Advocates Victoria, SLES and Tertiary Institutions.